Thursday, November 22, 2007

How to use thumbnails effectively in Acrobat?

- In thumbnail view, draw a rectangle to select a group of pages. You may remove or add pages by holding down the Ctrl key (Shift on the Macintosh) then click single pages to add or remove them to your selection. Right-click on this pages selection and you will find many operations that can be utilized.

- You may also drag and drop the thumbnails image to a new location within the document. This would permanently move a page into a new location.

- To copy the pages, follow the above step but holding down the Ctrl key and then click-and-drag the selection to the location you want. The pages would be copied into a new location.

- To copy the pages from one PDF file to another, open both target and source PDF thumbnails so they both are visible in Acrobat. Click-and-drag the selected page into the target PDF.

- To move the pages from one PDF file to another, open both target and source PDF thumbnails so they both are visible in Acrobat. Click-and-drag the selected page into the target PDF.