Thursday, November 22, 2007

How to speed up Acrobat Reader?

Adobe Acrobat Reader and its complements provide standard features that take form as modular plug-ins. These plugins are automatically run when Acrobat loaded. You may speed up the start up process of Acrobat.

A really straightforward technique is to hold the Shift key during the loading of Acrobat, which prevents all plugins to load. A more permanent solution is to prevent unwanted plug-ins to run in the first place,

Do note that if you exclude these plugins, Acrobat may function improperly. If a PDF file seems to be defective, try viewing with the entire of Adobe plugins loaded.

How to deactivate plugins?
Acrobat (Reader) load the plugin when the application starts. On Windows, Acrobat looks at a specific directory and tries to examine the files in it. This directory is named 'plug_ins' and it usually located in

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Reader\plug_ins\

Under Windows, these plugins are often called *. API, but they are actually DLL files .
In the Macintosh, plugins are located the Acrobat Package. Control-click (or right-click if you have a two-button mouse) on the icon for Acrobat, and choose Show contents in the menu. A window with a folder named subjects would appear. There would be another sub-folder called plug-ins, which contains the Macintosh version of the similar plug-ins.

Create a folder named plug_ins.unplugged in the same directory or folder where plug_ins (or plug) located. In order to avoid these plugin loaded by Acrobat, you need only to move the plugins from plug_ins to plug_ins.unplugged.